Author Topic: Metal everywhere...  (Read 477 times)

Offline Joliesa Lepp

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  • 1993 tsi awd - big 16g, fmic, meth... head.
Metal everywhere...
« on: February 14, 2010, 05:16:12 pm »
Got her all pulled, and apart. Good news is..... well, the body's straight! Hehe, but the Motor is cooked. Little metal pieces even made it to the top of the head bolts, haven't bothered taking out the cams yet to see. Pistons have major detonation that you can see in the cylinder walls, nothing a good honing won't fix, if we use that block. Cylinder #1 rod bearing went, the others aren't looking to pretty either, but I've got new ones to put in. Oh, my clutch is in pretty bad shape aswell. Dang!

(I am SO glad I did not sell this past summer, I would feel absolutely awful giving this car away especially as it sits now.)

Plans... are undetermined at this point. But anyway, snapped a few pics! Enjoy. (Sorry about the crappy camera quality)

Empty engine bay

Motor's out

Allllllll the bearings... (garbage)

Bearing from Cylinder 1

Piston #4

Piston #1   :o

Oh those poor springs. (Mitch is in the doghouse for this)
Outta the game!